Yesterday 3-2-24 I had the honor of taking out 2 amazing fisherman Lad and Larry Wicker. I have bass fished against and with both of these great guys and when I say great, I mean great bass fisherman and just all-around personally nice guys. On this trip we weren't going after the green ones (Bass) we were going after crappie the "Slabs You Can Cook Up and Eat".
Now with the day and age of technology if you haven't heard of Garmin Livescope or Lowrance Active Target you must have been living in a bunker waiting for the end of the world to come. This technology has changed the ways of fishing forever. Some would say for the better and some would say for the worse. Either way, it's like playing a video game on TV, once you start playing you can't put it down.
The day started off a little wet due to rain but, as the day progressed the weather became nice. We started off in a pocket where I knew had some good ones and we were able to put 2 or 3 in the boat. The wind was blowing into the pocket at the time and the fish wasn't setting up yet, so after about an hour we moved to another pocket. While in there we were able to put 4 to 5 more decent crappie in the boat, but not the really nice ones we set out to catch. So, we moved again a little further up the lake. During the move the sun popped out and the wind had laid down which makes those "Big Girls" come out to feed.
We pulled into area put the trolling motor down and boom there they were! "Fire Ball" Here "Fire Ball" There "Fire Balls Everywhere!" And if you don't know the term "Fire Ball" it's what us crappie fisherman say when we see Big Crappie on our Live Scopes. Now when I am teaching Livescope crappie fishing to people for the first time I always start them off with 5'6 ft rods and light line before I try and teach them to use the 14 to 16ft long poles. For one it allows them to learn to cast to the fish easier and also makes it so much more fun landing a 1.86 to a 2 plus pound crappie. Now these 2 Pros had no problem casting to where their baits needed to be, so right then the magic began to happen. One slap after another started coming into the boat. By the end of the trip Lad and Larry took home around 20 really nice slaps for a family fish fry. That being said remember the word "Family"! No matter what is going on with your life, remember those special moments with your Family and Friends. Yesterday was a "Great Moment" in time for me with 2 Amazing Men that will last a lifetime. I hope you enjoyed this blog and remember "Smile God Loves You!!!"
If you would like to book a trip with me email me at

Interesting in getting a Livescope to up your game? Here is my Amazon Link below.
