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A Day To Remember Crappie Fishing Badin Lake, NC


What a day my Dad and I had on Badin Lake, NC on 3-13-24. When I say it was a day to remember "IT WAS A DAY TO REMEMBER"!

My Dad has been limited to fishing trips due to dealing with a heart issue called (AFIB). The last year and a half it's been really tough for him. But hopefully after numerous procedures the doctors finally have it under control. Every day I come back from a guide trip or just a day on the water videoing and he rides over to the boat house and ask me, "So Son How Did You Do", all the time in the back of my head I know he was wishing he had been on the water with me. Well on Tuesday he got his chance and boy God gave us a day to remember.

The weather was beautiful not to hot not too cold with the high of about 73 degrees the winds were about 3-5 mph. The water surface temperature is around 61 to 63 degress and the watercolor is mostly coffee color. Daddy was using a 5'6 ft light action rod, with 6lb fluorocarbon line, a 1/16 oz ACC Crappie jig head with a black/blue & chartreuse paddle tail by Mr. Crappie. I was using the same bait but on a 9ft Bass Pro Crappie rod with 10lb K-9 braid and a 17lb fluorocarbon leader. The big fish are still in that 25ft of water suspended in anywhere from 15ft all the way to the surface of the water. If you don't have Live Scope or Active Target, the only other way to catch these fish is trolling or spider rigging for them.

We started off at the mouth of a cove just up from circle drive boat ramp and there the fish had pulled out a little I believe due to fresh water coming in and the power company not pulling the lake. We caught probably 15 fish in that spot but only just a few good ones, so we decide to move to another big cove up the lake near the lower dam, JACKPOT. When I first started scoping around, I spotted a few big singles fish but then we started seeing schools of big crappie where they are starting to move back into the coves. We were still in that 25 to 35ft of water and the fish were suspended in 15ft to 3ft of water. Fish after fish started coming into the boat and daddy was getting used to the Live Scope. The wind started to pick up and soon as it did daddy hung what we knew wasn't a crappie. We knew exactly what it was when it started pulling drag, a striper. Daddy with his years of fishing experience knew to let up on the drag so the fish wouldn't break his 6lb test. We got that one in and it was about 8lbs. Daddy would land 2 more a short time later, he was in the zone.

After about putting 30 great crappies in the live well we decided to call it a day around 3:30 PM. We got them home cleaned and filleted them and now it won't be long before we have a fish fry.

I hope this Blog helps you out if you decide to go to Badin Lake to go crappie fish. And remember it's not about the fish you catch it's about the memories you make while on the water.

Here is my YouTube Channel Link To The Day On The Lake With My Dad!

Below are the Amazon links to the products we were using. Ordering through my links helps support my website! "Sea Ya On The Water"

6lb Seaguar Line 600 Yards-

K-9 Braided 10lb Line 150 Yards-

Millennium Sidekick Double Seat-

Millennium Marine B100 Boat Seat Gray-



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