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Day On The Lake With Merica A Day I Won't Ever Forget!!!


If you don't know Merica she is My Cat, My Angel, and My World! Merica found me one day at number 8 boat ramp on a cold summer afternoon. Since we found each other, I have learned so much about cats that I had no idea about and how an amazing animal they are.

Like cats only meow at their owners or people they are attempting to communicate with. Merica doesn't meow she does like a light sweet bark. Then there is love pats were they barely take their nails out and squeeze against you to show affection or their love for you. The first time I ever experienced this was from another sweet kitty, but I thought it was going to scratch my eyes out, I was completely terrified! Then there is the mash potato dance where they take their paws and work them back and forth to make the spot, they are going to lay down on more comfortable for them. Last but not least my favorite thing Merica does is "Chest Love" where she slowly crawls up on my chest squinches her eyes and asked to be rubbed, all the time doing the harmonic purr. So, there is a few interest facts about cats you may or may not know.

So, let's get back to the day on the lake with Merica and how she scared my soul out of me. Merica has been locked up in the house lately all day while I go to work, while I do guide trips, or when I DJ. I felt so bad for her having to seat by herself all day and I just knew I needed to let her get outside. Now as you see in the pictures Merica loves riding in the car, so I thought she might love riding in the boat. The ride to the lake was amazing with her on my shoulder just perking up at every new scene. We get to the lake, and I carry her in her carrier to my boat.

Once we were in the middle of the lake I unzipped the carrier, and she was hesitanted to look out. Finally, she looked out and even jumped out for a second or two to check out the scenery. Merica finally got comfortable enough to stay out for a few minutes and then she found the comfort of being under my dash where my hot foot pedal or what you may say where your gas pedal is. Every so often she would poke her head out to see what I was doing. The day was going great and Merica knows me so well that it got to the point where I could tell her we were about to move, and she would just jump back in the carrier to ride to the next stop.

Now on this day the wind was blowing pretty hard, and I could not find the crappie in Abbots Creek, so I decided to go bass fish. Just as time and time before I told Merica we are about to move so let's go. She jumped in the carrier, and we took off to the rip rap bank at number 8 bridge. Soon as we got there, she jumped out and moved up under the dash. I started paralleling the bank throwing a crankbait and was only maybe 5-10 feet away from the bank. I went about 200 yards and checked on her and she was still sitting under my dash. I got to the corner of the bridge, and I knew I should catch a bass there. Now remember the wind was blowing pretty hard at this time, so the back of my boat swung around and got within feet of the bank.

Boom I catch a 3lb bass and take it back to show Merica who is still under the dash and not impressed of the bass I caught LOL. I continue to across in front of the bridge and go down the other side without any luck. I make it to the next cove and decide it's just too windy and it's time to leave. I look back and just say out loud, "Merica It's Time To Go Honey", because I know she knows what that means now.

When I go back to look under the dash she is not there, I look in her carrier she is not there, now complete terror hits me. I know there was no compartments open where she could have climb in, she could have only jumped off the boat. I start yelling her name and thinking where she could have gone and the only thing that came to mind was, she jumped on to the bank when my boat swung really close to the rocks. I cranked up the boat and got back to that spot. I yelled her name and nothing, dropped my power poles and ran up and down the rip rap looking for her and nothing. Now I start panicking thinking that she had maybe attempted to jump to the bank and drown. Up and down the bank I ride looking and yelling for her and nothing.

I go back to the boat dash hoping, praying, she is there but she isn't. But then I look up and there is a quarter size hole under my dash where all my wires to my controls are and out of that hole is a small ball of fur. I say out loud," Please Jesus Let That Be Merica!".

Now looking under the dash to the left I swear there is only a 2-inch-wide gap which was only about 6 inches long from the wiring panel to the wall of the dash meet. Merica was able to squeeze into that 2-inch-wide gap and only 6 inches long gap to hide. I was so happy and mad all in the same moment. But All I can say is I am so glad I still have my "Merica!!!...And there may not be another fishing trip for a longtime!!!

I Hope this blog put a smile on your face since it had a happy ending. Romans 15:13

Also don't forget the link below for great Amazon products. DUDE WIPES

This one I believe I needed on this day because Merica scared the "Crap Out Of Me!" LOL!!!



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