Mark The Date November 16th,2024-CRAPPIE TOURNAMENT from 8am-2pm and an Hourly CAROLINA MONSTER BASS TOURNAMENT!!! Raising Money for The Hurricane Victims of The North Carolina Mountains!!! All Day Event with Emcee "POWDER"- Music, Dancing, Raffles, 50/50 Drawing, and Getting to watch "Big Fish" being brought to the stage.

Imagine one day everything in your life is ok and the next day you have lost everything. Well, that is exactly what happened on September 28,2024 to 100s of thousands of people in the path of hurricane Helene. One of the hardest hit areas was Asheville, NC and the surrounding areas. So many states were affected by this Hurricane, but I don't believe anyone predicted the rain fall and flooding that the North Carolina Mountains would receive. Whole towns and cities were wiped out and so many lives were lost.
On this day a hard-working truck driver and an avid crappie fisherman Coleman Mundy was driving through this area delivering goods. In real time Coleman was watching the devastation of the flooding happening as he was trying to get home and get away from the Hurricane. From the images that Coleman was seeing and images on Facebook, he knew these people in these areas were going to need so much help to recover from it.
Coleman immediately started reaching out to his fishing buddies and the High Rock Lake Fishing Community expressing his concerns and feeling that we needed to do something to help Friends, Family Members, and Fellow Americans of this biblical devastation. I must mention the outpouring of help from Americans in other states and even other countries that were also watching this disaster un-fold, the compassion has been surreal. It is crazy that in the worst of times we see the best in people come out!!
Now Coleman thought what can we do as a fishing community to help these folks. So, he came up with the idea for a Crappie Tournament to raise money to be given to the Samaritan Purse, which they will equally divide and best use for the victims of the Hurricane. Coleman also reached out to me and asked if I had any ideas for the event. Coleman knew that for the last several years I have worked with the New Hanover County Special Olympics and asked if I would be interested in being the Emcee for the event. I did not hesitate at the opportunity to volunteer my Dj equipment and my ability to entertain and Emcee as POWDER.
If you have not heard the story of the reason for me bringing out the character "POWDER", it's because I believe people need to smile during tough times and need a break from the seriousness of life now and then. POWDER for me is like Superman he just wants to do good things for the world. POWDER'S moto in life is PURE ENERGY-PURE LOVE-PURE DANCE AND PURE FISHING. You may not understand him at first, but I promise you will love him once you see him entertain. I got the idea from the actual movie "POWDER", please take the time to watch this great movie and you will understand where my heart is coming from.
Now back to the fishing tournament. Colman and I discussed how we needed receive donation of items to raffle off to raise money to be donated. Also reaching out to businesses or individuals that could possibly donate money for the overall top winners of the crappie tournament that day. The plan in the crappie tournament is that all the entree fees of $100 dollars per boat will be donated directly to Samaritans Purse and prize money donated will be given to the top winners of the Crappie Tournament. Man has the fisherman and businesses stepped up for the winners pay payouts (Information about payouts for Crappie Tournament on FB Link Below-WOW)!! I mentioned to Coleman we should make this event open to the public to come down and watch and participate. Also, it would be great to have an Hourly Big Bass tournament to entertain the public, while the music is playing, and I am entertaining. Colman thought it was a great idea!!
I reached out to Greg Baker of Carolina Monster Bass explained to him what the crappie fisherman are doing and asked if he would like to participate in the charity event. Which Greg did not hesitate to step up and volunteer his and his wonderful wife Elizabeth's time. Greg and Elizabeth like many of us have direct family members effected by this disaster. Speaking with Greg the fee to enter the hourly Carolina Monster Bass tournament will be $80 a person, with hourly cash pay outs, and an overall big bass pay out with an "AMAZING TROPHY" by Signs By Tomorrow, made by the Owners Scott and Susan Allen.
A portion of the entree fee to the Carolina Monster Bass Tournament will be donated directly to the event. So Come On Bass Anglers Lets Show Out!!!!
In addition, Greg and I are reaching out to businesses to donate additional items to be raffled off alongside the items that Coleman has been able to obtain.
Also, during this event my good friend and one of the best crappie fishermen in the Carolinas Chris Miller has agreed to have a trailer set up for anyone that would like to bring care packages or supplies for the victims. He and others will make sure the items get too necessary location to be donated.
Anglers I will be live all day on social media and there will be a "Big Stage" for you to come show off your "Big or Small" catch and you can tell me your fish story!!! It's going to be a Blast You're going to be "Fishing For A Reason!"
Note if any businesses or you have any items that may be donated to be raffled off to raise money please reach out to Coleman Mundy, Greg Baker, or Myself and remember anything and everything is gladly appreciate. And I will gladly promote your business while on stage.
Click The Link Below for Details about the tournaments and continuing updates of the event. Please Come Out and Support This Amazing Event!!!!
Thank You and God Bless!!!