What an Amazing Day Fishing Central Carolina Crappie Tournament On 10-26-24. The Crappie are biting, and the Teams are catching them.

It was a truly amazing day fishing on High Rock Lake yesterday with my dad. The weights of crappie brought to the scales was unbelievable and the top 6 teams all had over 11lbs or more. Team Hunter "Bulls Eye" Burris and Scottie "Big Fish Bandit" Huneycutt stepped away from everyone with a first-place bag of 13.29lbs. The Big Fish Of The Day of 2.20lbs and 3rd place was caught by Kevin N Mary " Always On Their Game" Hawkins, who also run this amazing crappie tournament trail. Check out their Facebook page Central Carolina Crappie to see all the weights, pictures, and winners.
I got up this beautiful Sunday morning not knowing I would write a blog on the tournament, but something told me I needed to share my experience with my dad and some amazing fishermen. Friday, I did not think I was going to fish the tournament because on Wednesday I had knee surgery on my right knee. I found out about 2 weeks ago I had a torn meniscus on both sides of my right knee. The doctor said I had 2 options; leave it as is and see what happens or get it scoped and get back to dancing and fishing in a couple weeks. Well God has a way of directing you to where you need to go whether you like it or not. That being said the last 3 months I have been told by multiple people I need to apply for a Cruise Line Director, so I plan on trying to apply for that and will see where that goes. You know I love entertaining!!!
Now Friday evening I didn't know if I was going to fish cause my knee was still swollen. But unbelievably my mom, who knows I will not slow down or listen, said " Ralphie I really wish you wouldn't go fishing and let your knee rest, but if you do, please take your dad with you to help you out!" Got to love your mom!!!
Well Saturday morning I got up around my normal time of getting up 4 o'clock and I contemplated if I was going fishing or not. I know I shouldn't but there is a point race in the Tournament trail and the opportunity for the 4 top finishers in points to go fish a National Crappie Trail next year. So, I decided I was going but I didn't want to wake up my dad up out of a deep sleep. I went out started to the truck and 15 minutes later I get a call from my dad asking where are going. I told him and he said Well I am coming with you; you're not going to be on that boat by yourself. Dad got dress and jumped in the truck with me. Got to love your dad!!!
We got to registration, and this is where the amazing day started, and note the tournament had not even begun. Soon as we got there, we were welcomed with comments "Great to see you guys glad you could make it!" Followed up with numerous anglers offering to help me and my dad to get the boat in the water. As I heard these great comments, I reflexed on how amazing and wonderful the bond is between fishing anglers. I thanked them and hardheaded me told them I got it. My dad and me got our tasty brownies from Mary Hawkins and we put the boat in.
At day light we took off to Swearing Creek to hit our first spot. The first dock we hit had some really big crappie on it, but we could not get to them cause and extra boat was tied to the pier blocking our shot. We then moved to a brush pile in swearing were there was about 10 big ones on it. My first cast I caught a 1.53lb crappie then about 3 cast later caught our big crappie of the day 1.56lb crappie. After that those crappies just shut off and would not bite, so after an hour we left there and went to a brush pile that I had caught some really good crappie earlier in the week with my sister and brother-in-law. Man was it loaded, me and my dad finished out our 7 fish limit with about 9 1/2 lbs.
At that time a couple of our fish were right at a pound or little less than a pound. After about catching 10 fish more fish at that spot, which were all the same size I decided we needed to move. As we got ready to pull away from the brush pile I panned around and saw what I believed to be a school of crappie. I pitched at them and a 1.43 lb. crappie bit. I continued to pan around and saw more schools of 2s and 3s.
My dad and me continue to pick off fish after fish and every once and awhile we would catch one that would add ounces to our limit. As we chased the fish around, I noticed that we were in the middle of the river channel on the main lake. Along with us there was numerous other boats in the same area. Just about 15 minutes before stopping time we caught one last upgrade fish that put us to about 10 1/2 pounds on our scales. Looking back dad and I caught probably 100 crappie, which in my book made it and amazing day on the lake. Not to mention another great memory with my dad.
Getting back to the ramp for weigh-in hearing all the chatter we knew we didn't have the winning bag. But something I learned the last few months is that you need to take in the moment and when I say this, I mean take in that exact moment and enjoy it. I could hear each team talking about their day and the size of their bag of crappie. There was laughter, smiles, and a positive energy in the air, because everyone caught fish and had a fun day.
Man, what an Awesome Moment, Even with A Bad Knee!!!!
Out of 20 boats me and dad finished 7th, which was perfectly wonderful to me, because again I got to spend another blessed day with my dad and some amazing fishermen.
Right now, is the time to hit the water and fish for crappie they are feeding up and you can catch a lot of crappie!!!
Don't forget November 16th, 2024, the Charity Crappie Tournament and Carolina Monster Bass Tournament benefiting Hurricane victims of the Carolina Mountains. Will be held at High Rock Lake #8 Boat Ramp Lexington, NC.
I Love You All and God Bless.
Below Amazing Final Results Of Tournament!!!
