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Updated: Mar 23, 2024


Now there is a Brewery Company in Mooresville, NC which is a very special place and if you are ever in the area, you should drop in and have a cold beer, or another select beverage that they serve there. Also, if you're hungry almost all the time they have wonderful local food trucks with unbelievable food. Now it's not only the beverages or food trucks that makes this place an amazing brewery it's also the people from the owners Scott and Sandy Plemmons to the staff Ryan, Amber, Jill, Susan, and Lisa serving the drinks (who I love picking on throughout the night), the kindhearted & beautiful inside and out manager Stacy, and last but not least the Variety of Kind Soul Customers that visit the brewery on Thursday Nights when I, "DJ Powder" host Music Bingo. Now Hoptown Brewery host many other great events each day during the week, but I can only brag on the night that I am working there. I am "DANM "Sure The Other Events Are Just As Great!

I had recently taken off some time from Hoptown Brewery to get some things in my life in order not knowing if I would return to DJ there. But the owners Scott and Sandy being the amazing people they are reached out to me personally and expressed their love for me and how much they appreciated the entertainment that I bring to their business. So, through some easy negotiation I decided to return. But let me express something.... the simple reaching out to me personally "Meant The World To ME!".

Now when I returned to Hoptown last week I was greeted with love and hugs from everyone, well everyone except Ryan the Bartender behind the counter, but that's Ryan if he didn't say something smart or stupid to me, I would think something was wrong with him.

Now the people that come in for "Music Bingo Night" they love their Bingo! Now I am not sure if it's just the chance to win some prizes, coming to meet up with their friends for the week, or if it's to see what crazy things DJ Powder will be doing this week.

I have to say this because it just "Tickles Me To Death!", when I see new customer's expressions when they come through the doors for the first time and look up at the stage and see someone possibly dressed as Elvis, Sponge Bob, Gubby, or Man in a Crazy Wig and A TuTu! That first look is "PRICELESS- LOL!". I know it's a shocker to them but once there inside the staff and the people playing Bingo help them understand the dysfunctional DJ! And by the end of the night, I am getting fist pumps from them as they leave for the night!

Now last night 3-21-24 was an amazing night for me for so many reasons. First and for most I got to see so many returning friendly faces. Second was the "Bingo Winners' for the night. There was such a variety of winners last night from different ages, different backgrounds, first time winners, & returning winners. Also, someone won the "GOLDEN PLUNGER" for getting 2 Bingos in a night. You have to come play to understand the "GOLDEN PLUNGER" one of the most covenant prizes you can win for the night!!!!

Now it didn't end there! At the end of the night, I always do a "Double Bingo" meaning you have to have 2 Bingos on one sheet of paper to win the finally prizes of the night. This game usually takes a little longer to get a winner, but it's worth it cause there is extra prizes to win. The game didn't disappoint. We had been playing for about 30 minutes and no winner yet. Then I switch up to the next song "7 Years" and Boom not 1, not 2, but 3 winners came to the stage each having "Double Bingo" in 3 completely different ways. Everyone got their 10,000 Points Hoptown Gift Cards and they divided up DJ Powder's prize pack amongst themselves. Everyone walked away with a smile and prizes!

Now you would think to yourself that's the end of an Amazing Night and how could the night get any better "RIGHT?".... No at least not for me, it got better! As the room cleared, I got my always appreciated hug from Bryce (Who has Down Syndrome) then Amber One of The Bartender as she was cleaning up said "Great to Have You Back Ralphie!"... and last Stacy the Manager came up gave me a hug and said, " So Glad Your Back and Wow You Look Really In Shape & I Hope You're Doing Good!". Now those last 3 things that were said to me topped the night off as an "Amazing Night For Me!"

Everyone just always remember a few kind words can change the world and remember you never know what someone is going through in their life and the words you share to them may just be what they needed hear to make their day WONDERFUL!!!

That is why HOPTOWN BREWING is a place you need to put on your must visit list. You are treated like Family from the moment you walk in the door!!!!

I hope this Blog put a smile on your face, it did mine last night and "Thank All Of You That Share Those Moments In Time With Me Last Night!"...I Love You Guys & See You Next Thursday Night Hoptown!!!

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