Have you ever thought about the healing power of laughing at something and the good it does to your body to laugh. I heard there was a study performed before where scientist did an experiment with a hundred nurses by just having them watch a sad movie and then having them watch a happy movie that made them laugh and to feel good at the end of the movie. Now I don't have the exact numbers to quote because "it's to dang early in the morning right not LOL" but I do remember the results were truly amazing. The scientist took the white blood cell count of each person prior to each participant watching the sad movie and before watching the happy movie. At the end of the test the results showed that after watching a sad movie the participant's white blood cell count were extremely lower than the participants that watched a happy movie. That being said that could prove that laughter has the power to heal. So, let me see if I can do some healing this morning with some true funny life stories.
Now one of my role models in my life who had a big effect on the personality I have today was Ed Hollifield, "MY PAPA". Now Papa was not a rich man when it came to money, but he was the richest man in the world to me when it came to happiness. Papa could always find something or someway to make the day brighter. The first experience I can remember was I had to stay with Papa when my Mother and Father had to work one day. Now I was probably only 6 or 7 years old and if you thought I had energy now think about a "RALPHIE" at 6 or 7 years old. Now back then there was only one station on TV, and I am positive I wasn't interested in watching what was on at the time. I can remember Papa was working on something in his recliner and I ran over to him and said, "Papa I am bored I want something to do"! Without hesitation Papa told me to " Pull Out One Of Your Pockets To Your Pants". So, trusting him I pulled my pocket out of my brand-new pants (Let Me Tell You What) and he pulled out his pocketknife and cut a hole in the bottom of my pocket and then said, "There Now You Have Something To Do"! At the time I had no idea what was going on other than I have a hole in my brand-new pants pocket and my Mom and Dad are going to be so mad. Now the confusing alone kept me busy for a good while or at least till my daddy arrived to pick me up. Soon as my dad arrived, I ran to him and told him "Papa Cut A Hole In My New Pants Pocket "! My Dad's response was "Well I Guess You Was Bored and Papa Gave You Something To Do"!
It took me many years to figure out what Papa did that day, but once I figured it out, I still laugh to this day! If you don't get it keep thinking about it and it will hit, you!!!
Then there was another night my cousin and I were spending the night with Papa. Being kids we were up just talking about who knows what and Ralphie had a penny in his mouth. Why I have no idea and to this day I still have no idea of some of these things I do. Well we are just jabbering along and all the sudden I swallowed the penny. With fear in my eyes, I looked over at my cousin and said, " I Just Swallowed A Penny Lisa Oh No, I Am Going To Die"! We jump up yelling and screaming and run into Papa's bedroom " Papa I Swallowed A Penny and I Am Going To Die"! Papa calmly rolls over and says with a chuckle " You're Not Going To Die We Will Get It Back Tomorrow, Now Go Back To Sleep". I stayed up all night worried about dying from swallowing that penny and still to this day I haven't seen that penny that Papa told me he was sure we would get it back the next day!
Another person in my life that has made me laugh so many times was my old boss at Time Warner Cable, Jerry Gregory. Boy work never felt like work while working with him, but boy you had to stay on your toes while around Jerry. I believe I can sum up Jerry's most famous said words to me," Ralphie Maybe I Shouldn't Have Did That"! How we survived them years I will never know, but laughter had to help. Here are just a few examples of the pranks played on me by Jerry.
Now I could never leave my office unlocked or BAM, HE GOT ME!!! I believe the first time he got me I had just got me a fresh cup of coffee and then had to walk out of my office to retrieve some paperwork. There was the opportunity for him to sprayed "DOG HAULT" in my coffee. I returned to my office and take a big swallow of my coffee and start coughing like crazy!! From the backroom I hear Jerry ask, "Hey Ralph You Ok Little Buddy"!! I could barely talk but I could get out "NO WHAT DID YOU PUT IN MY COFFEE". He came in my office laughing and said calmly "Maybe Just A Little Dog Hault"! Finally after 20 minutes of coughing Jerry say, "Maybe I Shouldn't Have Done That" LOL You Think!
Here is another example of how he got me, stupid me I leave my door unlocked again and my work computer is still unlocked. Jerry runs into my office and types in the search engine porn and clicks search, then runs back into his office and act like he is working. I return to my office to find porn sites popping up all over my work computer! I was like "JERRY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" to his response " Little Buddy What Are You Talking About"? Now I am racing against time to clear this off my work computer as he is standing behind me laughing and once again, he says "Maybe I Shouldn't Have Done That" LOL You Think!
One more quick one of the 1000s Jerry did to me. So, Jerry emails me a lead on a cable theft report and asked me to follow up on it asap. So, I call the number and a lady answers the phone. I professionally introduce myself as Theft of Service Supervisor and I am following up on a lead that she had reported. The lady response is confusing, and she explains I am sorry you must have dialed the wrong number. I read off the number to her that Jerry had provided to me and she says, "Yes That Is My Number But I Didn't Report Any Cable Theft Honey, I Am An Escort Service"! With a grin on my face, I told her am so sorry for bothering you and please have a great day. Giggles from the back room of Jerry's Office could fill the Department LOL!
I have so many other life stories I could tell you but the most important thing is no matter what's going on in your life remember to laugh. Also remember as human beings it is our job to make someone else's day, so GO OUT AND MAKE SOMEONE'S DAY SOME HOW SOME WAY!!!
I am Ralphie and I hope you enjoyed my morning blog!!! Love You And God Bless!
Hey, check out this great item I purchased from Amazon. I can't wait to wear it out soon!!
"Business I The Front Party In The Back"!!!! Amazon Link Below!!

There are so many things that "I should not have done"
But there is one thing I'm so HAPPY that I have DONE "....
I love you my Brother and Friend 💖