Have you ever wondered how impactful music is in our lives? We listen to music when we are Happy, Sad, In Love, Falling Out Of Love, While Working, and Even When We Are Trying To Relax! I bet each person reading this can remembers a special moment in time that a song just was imprinted into their memories forever and before I end this sentence you know exactly what it is.
Loving to dance like I do each song brings up a different memory in my head soon as the first note I hear some are Good memories some Bad ones, it's almost like we are programed by music.
While Djing I find that some people can even name numerous songs in a single note which shows you how amazing music can be. There is one song that many people of all ages can name in one note and that single note even has a silence break before it and a silence break after it, but soon as people hear it, they know what that song is, "Bennie and The Jets" by Elton John. That also goes to show you how one single song can turn a person super famous overnight. Now Taylor Swift is hands down right now the artist that has songs that are impacting the current generation. The "Swifties" as they liked to be called can probably name numerous songs from Taylor after one note. Now you "Swifties" don't go hating on me because I couldn't probably name one song after a single note from Taylor, but I do know some of her hit songs after I play them for a bit.
Now that brings us to the Artist aspect of music and how their music impacted each one of our lives and our generation. We definitely need to call them Artist or Gifted individuals due to the music they create especially the ones that write, produce, and play their own music. Again, there is always a generational gap when it comes to music. But some of the Mega Artist are the Beatles, Elvis, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Fleet Wood Mac, Journey, Carrie Underwood, Micheal Jackson, and one of my all-time favorites that my little brother turned me on to the one the only "Prince". Now I am sure I may be left out your favorite Artist especially if you are fans of different styles of music let's just say Rock Music for instance. Just the words "Rock Music" being said makes a song pop into your head I bet. Some of the Artist that pop into my head immediately is Jimi Hendrix, ACDC, Ozzy, Metallica, and Bon Jovi. And as I named these Artist off, I guaranteed that a song came to your mind associated to a special memory in your lifetime.
Now I have to go back to "Prince" for a moment because when I used to listen to his music, I just thought wow that's a great tune with a great beat. But my Little Brother educated me a lot more about "Prince!". You know most all the songs that Prince performed he wrote and produced himself. Also, I learned that Prince wrote so many songs that other big-name Artist performed to become famous.
My brother for many years told me "Ralphie You Have To See Him In Concert To Really Understand The Full Effect Of How Talented Prince Is!" Well Prince was coming to Greensboro, NC to perform and my brother had already bought tickets in advance but just so I could go he tried and tried till he won tickets off the radio station for me to go see Prince perform live. Wow just Wow I am so glad my Little Brother did that! From the time Prince hit the stage till the time he played the last note I was on my feet dancing and in Ahhh seeing all the instruments he could play. Again, Prince's music stitched an everlasting memory in my head, thank you Little Brother! Also, before I stop talking about Prince. Come on.... one of the "Greatest Half Time Super Bowls Show Ever!"... Who can forget Prince in a Rainstorm performing "PURPLE RAIN!!!!"... Well maybe the "Swifties" wouldn't believe that LOL I am JUST KIDDING "Swifties" I am sure you have amazing memories with Taylor too LOL!!!
You know I believe God possibly created the universe while listening to music, especially if you watch a sun rise or a sun set and just take in the beauty of the moment. I also believe we are all created thru music because there is a special beat that happens during that creation of each one of us.
So ended it here so I can start my day like the Artist "Shannon" says " Let The Music Play!!"
I hope you enjoyed this blog and let me know your favorite songs and the memory it created! I hope you all have a Bless Day and I Love You All!!! Corinthians 16:14.