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Life's Significant Numbers Are They Lucky Or Unlucky?


Have you ever had a number that continuously pops up in your lifetime that completely changes your life for a moment in time? Mine has always been the number 13.

As I researched that number it is crazy the results that I get and how in many cultures the number is really unlucky and other cultures it is the luckiest number to have.

Let's go with some unlucky results of the number 13. In World War II Buckingham Palace was bombed by the Germans on September 13th,1940. March 13th, 2020 was considered the official day of the Covid Pandemic. The Stock Market had a mini crash on October 13th, 1989. And who can't forget the 13th person invited to the Last Supper by Jesus, yep Judas. Honestly In my opinion Judas gets a bad rap because if Judas didn't do what he did we Christian's may not have been able to receive salvation. And come on you know Jesus already knew the game plan.

So now let's look at the lucky events that happen with the number 13. The Egyptians believed the life has 13 stages to get to enlightenment, In India the 13th day of the lunar fortnight is known as Thrayodashi, which belongs to the Lord Shiva who bestows long life, peace, and good fortune. A woman has 13 cycles in a year. Now us men would say 13 cycles "UHHH NO" that's not such a great thing but consider this is when a woman could possibly conceive and bring forth the miracle of life into the world. Last but not least remember the 13th person invited to the last supper, Judas? Now If Jesus didn't invite him to the last supper maybe just maybe Christian's wouldn't have salvation?

Well with me the number 13 has been a very lucky number, and I don't believe in the Friday the 13th myth. Let's see one of the first big bass tournament my Dad and I won we were boat number 13. Then there was the Ryan Newman Charity Bass Tournament where there were over 200 boats in it and our boat number was 23. That day Dad and I didn't do any good bass fishing and hardly had no weight. But at the end of the tournament, they announced they were paying 12 spots and there would be a 13th place spot prize give away for those who didn't win anything. After all 12 cash prizes were giving out, they said it was time to pick the winning boat for the lucky 13th spot. Now remember there was over 200 plus boats in this thing, so what's the chance? Mark Zona started calling out boat numbers for the prize give away. Numerous boats had left not knowing a 13th spot was going to be selected. Mark must have called out 20 boat numbers, all that already left then he called out boat number 23, our boat number! Dad and I went up and collected our prizes totaling over $2100 dollars. Double of everything rods, reels, watches, tackle, coolers, clothing, ext.!!!

That all being said is 13 a UNLUCKY number or is 13 a LUCKY number, I am really not sure it has been for me. Today is March 13th, 2024, and I am going to make today "The Day That My Life Changes For The Better"!

Thanks for reading my blog and I hope today is your lucky day!

Below is my product of the day, who knows you may get lucky today! Keep your gums and breath fresh with Philips Sonicare.

BreathRx Anti-Bacterial Mouth Rinse (33oz Bottle), Large Economy Size.



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