Who is the character, does the world even need 'POWDER" or should he just disappear silently into the crowd?
Many people have asked me what the P stands for on the shirts that I wear and how I came up with the idea. Well it started at a low point in my life, and it was just an idea of how I wished the world could be. An imaginary place that would be filled with Energy, Love, Dance. I had only mention "POWDER" to a few people at the time some of which laughed and thought it was a silly idea.
Then one day in my Mother's and Father's kitchen I spoke with my cousin Scottie Choplin about "POWDER". I told him about a movie that I had seen that really touched my heart called "POWDER". I told him I wanted to bring the character to life through a powdered face, superhero silly outfits, and a love for dancing for special causes or occasions. Waiting for his reply seem like an hour for me, but it was really only a few seconds. Scottie pointed his finger at me and without a flinch in his demeanor he said " Ralphie you are the one person that can make this character come to life and don't you dare let no one tell you again it is a silly or stupid idea". A few days after Scottie told me this, he received his Angel wings unexpectedly.
The loss of Scottie was a tragedy for many people including myself, but also it was a blessing for me that he told me what he did before he moved on.
To keep a promise, I contacted Tiffany who was the director at the time of New Hanover County Polar Plunge at Carolina Beach. I asked her if I could contribute my time and my abilities as "Powder" to possible raise money for their cause. Tiffany said, "What great timing we are in need of an emcee this year so are you scared to speak in front of large crowds". Without hesitating it came flying right out of my mouth "No I was a male stripper for 13 years and was the emcee for the shows, so no I don't have any fears of being in front of large crowds speaking". Soon as I said the last word I thought to myself "WHY DID I JUST TELL HER THAT". Tiffany paused for a few seconds and then said "Wow, so I guess you're not scared to be in front of crowds and speaking!" Tiffany said tell you what let me speak to the board and I will get back to you about the emcee position. I just knew I had blown my chance to be emcee or even participating in the event.
One week went by then two weeks went by and no response from Tiffany. I just knew I had messed up by mentioning my past. Then after almost two and half weeks I received a call from Tiffany, and she said "Ralphie we spoke to the board and after speaking with Larry Klein one of your co-workers at Time Warner Cable we believe "POWDER" would be a great emcee for the event". She couldn't see it through the phone, but tears of joy were running down my face. The words of encouragement my cousin Scottie told me just weeks before came true right then in a split second. Now POWDER has been the Emcee for New Hanover County Special Olympics for 8 years and also hosted numerous other events.
To this day I sometimes question myself "Should Powder disappear into the crowd". I will leave that question to my readers. "DOES THE WORLD NEED "POWDER"?

Listen to the Song Below If You Have A Dream That You Want To Bring To Life.
