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"The Day The World Changed"


If you're a Christian, you may be celebrating "Easter" as a very special day. The day a man was crucified on a cross and later rose from the dead to forgive all men's sins and who so ever believed in him to be the Messiah would have ever eternal life. I became a believer about 20 years ago and I was reborn with the baptism tradition of accepting Jesus Christ or Yahweh as I call him as my heavenly father. Now what I am about to write may offend many or it may open your eyes to what I have learned about our true history and how I reach a conclusion to my belief. Either way you feel please understand these are my beliefs and you can consider or reject them. No matter how you decide remember I still love cause that's my Christian belief.

As a child my mother and father would get us up on Sunday to go to church and worship a person I barely knew. The preacher would tell stories and read scripture from a book called the bible. Many nights as a kid I would read from the bible trying to believe the unbelievable stories and events of the past. When I read these writings, I just could not believe some of the amazing tells. Like a man named Moses parting a whole sea to escape capture from the Egyptians or a man named Noah who build an ark and placed 2 of every animal on it so our loving God could destroy the earth by flooding it. Now the stories were truly interesting and a great read but what interested me more was the tells of a man who our churches today call Jesus. A man that was born as an immaculate birth, could heal others, could raise people from the dead and could walk on water! Now as a child I thought to myself, "No Way" this is like a superhero I watch on the big scene today and all of them are just made-up characters that Hollyweird creates. As I read on there was person after person telling of these amazing miracles that this person performed each story being the same, so maybe there is something to this guy, they are call Jesus.

I was still not sold on Jesus just yet. See you have to have an open mind and realize there are so many other religious figures in the world and millions of other people believe in another higher power. And remember if you are a true Christian, you can't judge them for their believe "Right!"

Now again this is my believe so don't hate me or judge me please! I believe there is so many "BAD CHURCHES' in the world today and we have not been taught our "TRUE HISTORY!"...And if we were taught our "TRUE HISTORY" there would be a lot more believers and we wouldn't have these Preachers or Popes living these millionaire lifestyles!

Now don't crucify me just yet because there are some "AMAZING CHURCHES AND PREACHERS" in today's world that live by the teachings of Jesus/Yahweh and take care of their flock and those that are in need.

Now I am not going to go into great detail today of our "TRUE HISTORY" I am going to save my belief for another day. But once I read up more on our true past, I learned that years ago that we were more technically advanced than we are today and that the elites have kept this from us to keep us under control.

Now did you know there are 200,000 Sumerian tablets (Oldest Known Writings) with writings on them speaking of our creation, similar to the bible? Now some preachers would say, "THAT IS BLASPHEMY" and don't believe those writings. But what if those writings could help you believe even more that Jesus/Yahweh was and is the true Messiah, would you read them then? If you do choose to read them it is definitely going to open your eyes a little more and maybe even confuse you to how I became a stronger believer in Jesus/Yahweh as the Messiah. But like one of my good friends said to me one day, "Really Doesn't Matter How You Get Here Long As You Make It!".

Now for now I am going to end it here and I will another day go into more detail about what I discovered and came up with on our true history. But for now, I suggest to you don't have horse blinders on and open your eyes to other ideas. Remember today is a "SPECIAL DAY" a day that someone went through unbelievable torture and pain so that you may have eternal life after this one.

Happy Easter Everyone that read this and may God Bless Your Day and Never Forget He Loves You!!!!

Last Note If You Have Never Watched "THE CHOSEN" on the "Angel App" Free. I highly suggest it!!! It's like I believe Yahweh truly was!!!

Please Share My Blogs If Don't Mind This Is Where You Will Find Me From Now On!!!

Love You All And Have A Blessed Day!!!



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