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The Fentanyl Problem It Has To Stop Now!

Updated: Mar 15, 2024

I woke up this morning to write a totally different blog but then I changed my mind. I felt like I had to express my compassion, sadness, and absolute anger of what is happening in America today. The "Fentanyl Problem" and how it is killing our loved ones in the United States!

As human beings we have been programed to put our blinders on and only see what affects us directly and ignore growing problems just outside our doors. We have the mentality of it doesn't affect me, not my problem, I will let someone else deal with it, here is an emoji I care. That has to change immediately when it comes to the "Fentanyl Problem".

The issue came really close to my door yesterday when a real close friend of mine lost his son to Fentanyl. Now let that soak in for a second and "YOU" think to yourself what if that was my Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Mother, or Father?

Many of you may want to blame the issue on addiction, but it isn't that it is a "Government Leadership" problem. Our elected officials are not addressing the "Fentanyl Problem" because it is all about money.

And before I move on let me say there are so many GREAT MEN AND WOMEN in our Government System fighting for change and doing everything in their power to help stop this problem, GOD BLESS THEM!

Let me put this into perspective. I have experienced many different things in my life, and I have worked with so many different people in my lifetime. What I have experienced, and I learned during these times is mind blowing. I did my share of partying in my late 20s but then we didn't have to worry about someone lacing things with Fentanyl that would kill us. So that being said I can't cast a stone at anyone today who may have an issue with addiction, I can only pray for them to get better. I survived those years through a lot of trials and tribulations and all by the grace of God.

Through hard work and I am sure by the blessings of God, later in my work career I moved into a role of Theft of Service Supervisor at Time Warner Cable. What I learned in this role opened my eyes to so much and how the Government System works. During this time, I tried 1000s of court cases and sat through hours of court proceeding many of which delt with drugs and addiction problems. In most of those cases the court would charge the defendants, order them to pay a fine, order them to pay the cost of court, be on probation order them to pay the fees to be on probation, attend an addiction class and order them to pay any fees associated with that class. Please explain all these fees and fines to me. Yes, there has to be law and order but putting a person under financial debt is going to help them deal with their addiction problems?

So, let's get back to my earlier statement about it all being about money! The Government can monitor every aspect of your life through your phone, tv, computer, credit cards, bank accounts, social media, and camera systems. But they can't control Fentanyl and other Illegal drugs from entering the country, BS!!!! The Government knows everything you do, say and what's going on in your life at almost every moment. The Government just choose not to address the "Fentanyl Problem" because the money lose would be in the billions for the Government System. They can agree on banning TikTok, and we can send billions to aid other countries, but they can't stop the "Fentanyl Problem"!

So, I ask you how many precious lives have to leave this world early before something is done? "Enough With The Uncalled-For Deaths Of Our Friends and Family Members By Fentanyl And A Change Needs To Happen Now".

In Ending my thoughts and prayers go out to the "Tilley Family" and Anyone Else who has to deal with the loss of a loved one, I am so sorry! I Love You All and May God Bless You!!!

I suggest this book "Behold A Pale Horse"!

It may open your eyes a little to the issues that I just spoke of.

Amazon Link Below.



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