This blog is about a young man who has inspired me to keep fighting and if you fall down get back up and finish what you started.
Maybe you are at low point of your life through an unexpected loss of a loved one, a relationship breakup, loss of a pet, or a loss of something that is very dear to your heart. Whatever you do don't give up hope and maybe this true story will encourage you during these hard times.
Over a year ago I met a young man by the name of Bryce Warden at Hoptown Brewery while I was DJ for "Music Bingo" night. Bryce is no normal person he is very special and what I would call a "Big Angel!". You see Bryce has Down Syndrome and for some reason which only Bryce knows he has allowed me into his world as a friend. Every time I see Bryce, he gives me the biggest grin and tells me Hey and always before he leaves, he gives me a hug and tells me Bye.
Now on February 17th, 2024, I Emceed for the 8th time the New Hanover County Special Olympics Polar Plunge at Kure Beach, NC. This year Bryce and his mother made the trip all the way from Mooresville, NC just to come down to do the plunge with me. The event is an all-day event starting at 11AM with the plunge being the last event of the day. So, Bryce and his mother hung out all day just waiting for the plunge to happen at 3PM.
The time came for the plunge, so I met up with Bryce on the beach. Let me put this into perspective there was around four to five hundred plungers and about one thousand people watching the plunge from the beach.
I looked at Bryce and said, "Buddy You Ready to Do the Plunge"... He responded with that big grin "Yep!". The countdown started 3,2,1, and hand in hand Bryce and I headed to the ocean. We did not see at the time that straight in front of us was a couple of people sitting in the path of Bryce and I to the ocean. Bryce accidently tripped over one of the people and fell down. I looked at Bryce as he laid on the sand and said, "Bryce are you ok?"... He looked at me and again with that big grin said, "Yep!". Bryce fought his way back to his feet and soon as he was back on his feet, we ran to the ocean hand in hand and done the plunge.
Now at that time what had happen on the beach that day really didn't influence me, it did later. Recently I have falling and not in the literal means but in an emotional way. Now the days have been tough for me, but each day I get stronger and stronger! When I feel like just lying there and not getting up, I think of my buddy Bryce on the beach that day.
On February 17th, 2024, Bryce may have fallen, but he got back up and finished what he started.
So, remember if there is something in your life that knocks you down fight your way back to your feet and finish what you started!
Thanks for reading and I hope this true story put a little smile on your face and maybe gives you the strength to keep fighting. "JOHN 3:16"
Here Is The Facebook Polar Plunge Link https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0CjV9n21GD51SmcDa7kRjBciF71RQvkwLrsh3SiCDhh7jXjepx5vhXNx6pU4droMpl&id=100066843877140