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Was The 80s & 90s The Best Generation?


Was the 80s and 90s the best generation to live through? The years of MTV videos, Micheal Jackson, Prince, Văn Halen, Journey, Jam Boxes, Big Hairdos, Cruising the Strips, and Going to The Magic Attic at Myrtle Beach, SC To Dance. I personally find that the 80s and 90s could have been the best generation to be alive and have lived through!

When I host "Music Bingo" I find that when I play the 80s and 90s sets everyone of all ages sings and dances to the songs. I believe Vanilla Ice may have put it best. He said that during this time there were no cell phones, and no generated music, people basically met up and spoke to each other face to face instead of hiding behind a phone or computer.

As a child growing up during this time, I remember leaving the house and my mom and dad saying be home before dark! You better too, because you didn't want your parents to have to come looking for you in their car. See back then we had something called belts, switches, or even the worst "Your Grounded"!

I remember running out the front door jumping on my bike and meeting up with my friends in the neighborhood. Most the time heading to Andy Fishel's house to play football. After football we would get on our bikes, with "NO HELMETS I SAY" set up a bike ramp and see how many friends we could jump over, without landing on one of them and crashing. We had a 'No Fear Mentality" and we were not regulated by government rules for safety. Here is another example of how crazy we were; I remember my dad one time brought home from work a huge wire spool holder; I am talking it was about 6-foot high with wheels of death on both sides. What did the neighborhood crew do, yep knocked out a few boards climbed inside and pushed each other down the hill. There was no stopping this thing once it started to roll, it only stopped once you hit something, or it ran out of steam.

In the later years we got our driver's license, and it was time for cassette tapes, loud music, and cruise for Big Hair Girls. In the Winston Salem, NC the place to cruise was Stradford Road, 3 miles of nothing but bumper to bumper cars, which would normally take an hour just to go one way. I am sure everyone had their cruising location in their city or town at that time, no matter where you lived.

During this time "Break Dancing" was my passion. I danced with so many groups back then Egyptian Rockers, Dream Team, R&R Connection, and Center Attraction. Man did I hang out with some truly talented and amazing guys during this time.

One of the greatest moments of my life was the opportunity to appear on "Club MTV Spring Break 1991" at Dayton Beach, Florida. I had the pleasure of personally meeting and hanging out with "Downtown Julie Brown", "Freedom" From C & C Music Factory, Vanilla Ice, Ed Lover & Trae, Rico Suave, and so many other amazing artists. Just "WOW" the music then was so amazing and everyone at that time seemed to be on the same "Wave Link".

I could go on and on with this Blog about the 80s and 90s, but let me ask you, was the 80s and 90s one of the best generations to live through? Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog and I Hope You Have A Bless Day!!!

Speaking of the 80s and 90s checkout this comeback item "Fanny Packs".

" I'm Bringing Fanny Packs "YEA" All The Other Boys Don't Know How To Act- YEA" (My Personal Jiggle LOL)

Here Is My Amazon Link To Checkout This Great Item.



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